Here are the rules:
-Worship at the feet (or makeup vanity) of the person who nominated you and link back to her (or his) blog in your post.
-Share 7 facts about yourself that only your ferret knows.
-Pass the award on to 15 other bloggers.
-Contact your nominees and let them know you've tagged them.
Liz, Liz, Liz. What can I say about her? Well, I found her through some blog-hopping and can't believe I never came across it before. She writes one of my favourite blogs, Beauty Reductionista, and it's a fave for a number of reasons. Mainly, I love her sense of humour. I usually get a chuckle or two while reading her lengthy posts. And on that note, I love that she's not afraid to write. Her blog may aim to reduce the purchase of beauty products, but she's certainly not economical with her words. I guess it's because I write and talk alot myself but her style of writing really clicks with me.
As for the content of her blog? Seriously, this girl comes up with the most interesting topics! If you love beauty blogs, I highly recommend you check out her blog Beauty Reductionista. Might I recommend these recurring topics that she blogs about?
♥Favourite Products
As for seven facts about myself...
Well, I don't have a ferret so I guess I'll just post 7 facts that you may or may not already know.
1) I ride a motorcycle - I first started riding in 2008 on a brand new Kawasaki Ninja 250. Cam and I had gone to the Toronto Auto Show but Honda had brought their new release - a beginner bike with about as much power as a lawn mover (125cc!) and barely up to highway speeds. I sat on it and realized I fit! So in a sudden burst of interest, I decided I was going to take up motorcycling (Cam obviously had no objections). After some internet researching, discovered that the slightly larger Ninja was still a beginner bike but powerful enough for the highway (meaning I wouldn't have to upgrade immediately once I got the hang of it....notice how there was no if?). The first year was hard for me - I'm a huge scaredy-cat and it was a slow start. But second year was amazing. I did a lot of riding and even took the bike with Cam to Eastern Quebec (13 hours away!). In 2010 I upgraded to a 2010 BMW F650GS once we both realized we had a love for touring (long distance rides). Last year we took a 2 week trip to the east coast and visited Maine in the US and Quebec, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and PEI in Canada. This year we plan to ride down to Key West via a number of states.
2) I was born in Beijing, China - A lot of people are surprised to hear this after knowing me for a while. I don't have an accent and I guess my interests, the way I act, and perhaps even the way I dress aren't what they perceive of an first-generation immigrant. To be fair, I came over at the tender age of 5 so for I've practically Canadian-born. However, I speak only Mandarin with my parents (although my is quite horrible now that I don't live with them!), almost all of my relatives are back in China, and I visit annually. So I guess you could say my ties are still quite strong to the "motherland".
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3) I have Ankyloglossia - aka I'm tongue-tied. It means that the little membrane under the tongue that ties it to the floor of my mouth is shorter than normal. Here's some more info from Wikipedia. I never had mine cut as a child and it doesn't affect me too much. There are some words I have trouble pronouncing but it always just seems like I mispronounce rather than have any physical issue. I can't roll my tongue like some people do. That I am quite envious about!
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4) My favourite animals are Cows and Lobsters - When Cam and I first met, I went off on a trip to Scotland with a friend. Cam's ancestry is Scottish but when I came back, I had no photos of beautiful castles or other historical sites. I just had a ton of cow photos. I love them - all of them! Brahmas, Herefords, Texas Longhorn, Holsteins, etc. If I won the lottery, don't be surprised if I opened up a cow sanctuary or something. I don't know where my love for them came just started happening! As for Lobsters, they're totally crazy looking and weird but just so cute! Again, not sure where my love for them came from.....probably the fact that I just love eating them. Morbid? Yes Delicious? Ohhhh, yes.image via
5) I only have my learner's license - Yes, I ride a motorcycle and have for the past 4 years but I just recently got my learner's license - G1 in Ontario. This means I've done the written test but must drive with someone who has their full license, cannot drive after midnight, on the highway, etc, etc. A lot of people are surprised. I guess because in their experience, most people take up motorcyling after they've been driving for a long time. Well, I failed my driving test in a small town of a few thousand people years ago and since then, have built up this gigantic ball of fear about the test. I think I will attempt it this spring since we now live in the boonies and Cam has been doing the 1+ hour commute each way daily. Wish me luck!image via
6) I'm an only child - I don't know how I feel about it. Some people have this perception that only children are super spoiled or were incredibly lonely growing up but I'm not sure I totally agree. To a degree yes, but only by default. If you have one child, by default they would be the sole owner of any material item you choose to purchase for them. By default, they would have no sibling Definitely if I had siblings, I would've had to do more sharing or had more companionship but I really think it's parenting or each child's personality that dictates who they are, who they become, and the experiences they go through.image via
7) I'm a huge fan of romance books- In fact, I read them almost exclusively. Aside from "reference" books about home decor and cooking, I only read romance. I guess it's like how some people watch a lot of reality TV. It's totally fluff reading but after a day looking at dollar signs, spreadsheet cells, and financial software, I just want to totally melt my brain with some light reading. With the exception of paranormal romance (no vampires, werewolves, or extraterrestrial beings for me!) I'm pretty much into anything - all historical periods, suspense, contemporary, etc. I've been on a historical roll recently but have a few suspense titles waiting to be read. As here are my nominees....
I'm a little out of (writing) breath. I started writing a description of each blog but then realized this post would be pages long so....please just go visit each one and enjoy. I've added a few keywords to give you an idea of what each focuses on but of course as we all know with blogs, it's never just about one topic (that's the beauty of it all, no?)
I like to think of myself as having great taste in blogs so I'm confident you'll become a fan of at least one or two of these!
PS: If you're mentioned here, I hope you reblog as I'd love to learn more (at least 7 more!) things about you but I know time is precious so....please don't feel any pressure to re-blog!
♥Chocolate, Cookies & Candies (fashion, travel, food)
♥Feather Factor (fashion, travel, interviews)
♥Sydney Delicious (beauty, food, fashion, photography, travel)
♥Tao's Makeup (beauty)
♥P.S. It's Vida (beauty)
♥Design Chic (interior design)
♥First Time Fancy (interior design, DIY, Canadian)
♥Me You And A Weiner (interior design, DIY)
♥Full of Great Ideas (interior design, DIY)
♥Breaking Down The Big Beige Box (interior design, DIY)
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